Evan S. Ackerman

Email: evan@evanackerman.com
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Bates College

2001 - 2005 | Bates College | Lewiston, ME

  • Graduated in 2005 with honors in Geology, secondary focus in English

  • Completed an honors thesis entitled "Volumetric Analysis of Martian Rampart Craters" [Abstract - 2 pg, 0.5 mb] [Full Version - 367 pg, 20 mb]

  • Presented a poster at the 2005 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference entitled "Volumetric Analysis of Martian Rampart Craters" [Poster - 2 mb]

  • Awarded "Best Geology Thesis" by Bates College Geology Department

  • Awarded "Best Presentation" by the Geological Society of Maine for PowerPoint presentation of thesis research

  • Portland State University

    Summer 2000 | Portland State University | Portland, OR

  • Summer Course G456 Astrogeology

  • Oregon Episcopal School

    1998 - 2001 | Oregon Episcopal School | Portland, OR

  • Graduated in 2001 with honors in science

  • Completed a two year research project, "Using Remote Sensing Data to Compare Impact Craters on Mars and Venus"

  • 8 awards, including 1st place, 2000 and 2001, Oregon Junior Academy of Science, 2nd place, 2001, National Imaging Technology in Education Conference

  • Presented at 6 local and national conferences including: International Digital Imaging Conference, 2001; Oregon Academy of Science, 2001; National Computer Conference for Education, 2001; American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2001 and 2002

  • 2 academic publications, including The Oregon Science Teacher, Sept/Oct 2000

  • Experience and Training

    MS Excel

    ESRI ArcSuite

  • Award winning technical and creative writer; 95th percentile (6.0, 6.0, 6.0) Analytical writing scores on the GRE, 2001 Scholastic Art & Writing Silver Award for short story writing ["The Prophet" - 2 pg, 30 kb]

  • Very experienced with MS Excel, including writing custom Visual Basic macros, complex formula use, and automated graph generation

  • Experienced with Adobe Photoshop CS2 and Adobe Illustrator CS2, and other specialized digital image editing software including ISIS, ImageJ, 3DEM, GlobalMapper

  • Experienced with all versions of Windows and most Windows software, including MS Word (70+WPM), MS PowerPoint, Visual Basic, Adobe GoLive CS2, Macromedia Flash, JavaScript, CSS, and raw HTML

  • 8+ Years experience with digital image processing and geospatial analysis (GIS), including ESRI Arc Suite (9.1), RSI ENVI (4.1), Erdas Imagine. Especially experienced with planetary science data, including MOC, MOLA, Viking, THEMIS, Magellan

  • Operational experience with Linux/UNIX and Macs

  • Selected Past Employment

    (References Available)

    Ackerman Digital Consulting

    2007 - Present | OhGizmo.com, BotJunkie.com |

    Associate Editor, Senior Editor

  • Associate editor for OhGizmo.com, a commercial technology blog about gadgets, innovation, and design. Technorati Ranking 822, Authority 1,837. Alexa Ranking appx. 25,000, 0.01% Daily Reach

  • Senior editor for BotJunkie.com, a commercial robotics blog. Launched in August of 2007, BotJunkie is already one of the largest robotics blogs in existence according to Alexa

  • Ackerman Digital Consulting

    2006 - Present | Ackerman Digital Consulting | Portland, OR

    Founder, Consultant

  • Provider of customized GIS data integration and visualization technology

  • Online, platform independent distribution of raster imagery and shapefile data via Google Earth and Google Maps

  • VBA process streamlining, web design, graphic design

  • VineView Imaging LLC

    2005 - 2006 | VineView Imaging, LLC | St. Helena, CA

    GIS Analyst, Software Engineer, Web Design

  • Compiled an ArcMap database to organize data and provide flight plan structure. Wrote custom Visual Basic scripts for ArcMap and MS Excel to assist in automated image processing and calibration

  • Performed radiometric and spectral correction and calibration on collected imagery to create plant vigor (NDVI) classification maps. Georeferenced imagery using ground control point selection

  • Supervised gyrostabilized multispectral digital camera and GPS/IMU systems on photography aircraft

  • Designed and implemented marketing materials and a new website, including a secure online data distribution system

  • Brown University Planetary Science

    Summer 2004 | Brown University | Providence, RI

    Guest Researcher

  • Received grants from the Maine Space Grant Consortium and the Rhode Island Space Grant Consortium to pursue independent research. Developed an approach for detailed and systematic volumetric analysis of Martian surface features, specifically impact craters

  • Space Imaging Inc.

    Summer 2003 | Space Imaging, Inc (now Geoeye) | Portland, OR

    GIS Analyst

  • Processed Ikonos satellite images to 1m color using Erdas Imaging. Collected ground control point to calibrate Ikonos imagery with Landsat data. Spectrally classified images to detect pervious and impervious surfaces for watershed management

  • Performed quality control and editing of dynamic segmentation events in ArcGIS to produce a Salmon Resource Area Map for the Oregon Department of Transportation

  • Volunteer Activities and Interests

    Red Tailed Hawk, California Raptor Center

    2005 - 2006 | California Raptor Center | UC Davis, CA

    Volunteer Intern

  • Assisted in captive raptor management, including medical care, training, and rehabilitation of injured and abandoned birds of prey

  • Maine Space Grant Consortium

    2004 - 2005 | Maine Space Grant Consortium | Portland, Maine

    Volunteer Presenter

  • Participated in Maine Space Day activities, directed middle school students in mineral identification projects and spectral experiments

  • Harris Hawk, Oregon Zoo

    1997 - 2003 | Oregon Zoo | Portland, OR

    Birds of Prey Show Volunteer, ZooTeen

  • Trained in the care and handling of raptors (1000+ volunteer hours)

  • Presented birds to the public in on and off grounds shows and displays

  • Presented a variety of small mammals and reptiles and various zoo exhibits to visitors

  • Highland Bagpipes

    2001 World Pipe Band Championships

    Highland Bagpipes

  • Playing professionally since 1990

  • Active competitor in Grade I, member of the Grade II Saffron United Pipe Band in Babylon NY, the Grade II Tulach Ard Pipe Band in Boston MA, the Grade IV City of Sacramento Pipe Band in Sacramento CA, and the Grade IV Clan Macleay Pipe Band in Portland, Oregon

  • Pipe Major of the Sir James MacDonald Pipe Band, 1999-2001

  • Placed 1st in Grade IV in the Western United States, 2000

  • Placed 11th at the World Pipe Band Championships in Glasgow, Scotland, 2001

  • evan@evanackerman.com | back